John enjoys a rich spiritual heritage from the Danish apostolic movement which has its roots in the Welsh revival. His ministry passion is to see people transformed and to engage the church in in active partnership with the Holy Spirit. Moving from a secular career, John has served in full time ministry for 39 years with a wide range of experiences from pastoral challenges. He served as President of the Apostolic Church in Canada for a decade and has now been reappointed to lead the ACC in a transition process. John has organized and speaks at various national and international conferences and has been actively involved in missions, most recently in Haiti. He is the author of two books: “Time to Go”, and his latest “Take the Stairs”.
Janet enjoys a rich spiritual heritage in the Welsh revival. That has inspired her ministry passion to see people transformed, prepared and engaged in the church for its end time mission in active partnership with the Holy Spirit. Janet currently serves as the Associate Pastor at Elim City Church in Peterborough, Ontario Janet ministers regularly at various national and international conferences. She has been married to John for 49 years and they have three adult sons, all married, and eight grandchildren.